Emissions Reports
View publicly reported carbon footprint results from colleges, universities, and other organizations. Use the filters in the left panel to focus in on particular institution types. Click on an institution's name to visit its institution report page, where you can find more details on their goals, emissions over time, and more!
Note: Making direct institution to institution comparisons should be done with caution and recognition that most of the data submitted to the public reporting platform has not been independently verified by a third party.
Name | Carnegie Classification | State | Latest Year | Total Enrollment (FTE) | Total Building Square Footage (GSF) | Net Emissions (MTCDE) | % Change in Emissions * | Carbon Neutral |
California State University-San Marcos | Master's Colleges and Universities | CA | 2023 | 0 | 1,940,425 | 6,833.16 | 12% | |
Davidson College | Baccalaureate Colleges | NC | 2022 | 1,973 | 1,975,180 | 18,558.51 | -26% | |
Lafayette College | Baccalaureate Colleges | PA | 2022 | 2,661 | 1,978,607 | 1,602.68 | N/A | |
Drake University | Master's Colleges and Universities | IA | 2022 | 3,950 | 1,979,902 | 20,575.62 | -30% | |
Carleton College | Baccalaureate Colleges | MN | 2023 | 2,007 | 1,983,410 | 12,326.21 | -56% | |
Gustavus Adolphus College | Baccalaureate Colleges | MN | 2023 | 2,043 | 1,986,361 | 18,414.00 | -27% | |
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay | Master's Colleges and Universities | WI | 2021 | 6,469 | 1,987,327 | 24,853.49 | N/A | |
Clarkson University | Doctorate-granting Universities | NY | 2019 | 3,704 | 1,999,238 | 15,671.00 | -14% | |
Union College | Baccalaureate Colleges | NY | 2019 | 2,036 | 2,008,432 | 1,792.38 | -89% | |
Pomona College | Baccalaureate Colleges | CA | 2023 | 1,736 | 2,010,869 | 13,737.84 | -22% | |
Bentley University | Master's Colleges and Universities | ME | 2023 | 4,831 | 2,030,856 | 3,199.89 | -86% | |
DePauw University | Baccalaureate Colleges | IN | 2015 | 2,292 | 2,038,537 | 36,373.00 | -6% | |
Bowdoin College | Baccalaureate Colleges | ME | 2021 | 1,756 | 2,040,400 | 31.00 | -100% | Yes |
Johnson County Community College | Associates Colleges | KS | 2024 | 9,801 | 2,050,000 | 12,888.78 | -76% | |
California State University-East Bay: California State University - East Bay | Master's Colleges and Universities | CA | 2020 | 14,050 | 2,084,902 | 29,511.26 | -12% | |
Denison University | Doctorate-granting Universities | OH | 2023 | 2,314 | 2,086,140 | 23,916.70 | -38% | |
Mount Holyoke College | Baccalaureate Colleges | MA | 2023 | 2,124 | 2,149,320 | 12,296.92 | -15% | |
Cal Poly Humboldt | Master's Colleges and Universities | CA | 2024 | 5,639 | 2,204,677 | 12,720.82 | -23% | |
State University of New York at New Paltz | Master's Colleges and Universities | NY | 2023 | 0 | 2,272,779 | 13,012.27 | -46% | |
Alamo Colleges District: San Antonio College | Baccalaureate Colleges | TX | 2023 | 11,044 | 2,277,850 | 34,050.56 | -30% |
* % Change in Emissions shows the change in total publicly reported emissions between the earliest and most recent emissions data reported.