Users' Guide

Please read and provide feedback on the user guide for SIMAP.  This is a draft version and we appreciate your input to make it better. 

SIMAP User Guide_DRAFT6.2_2.21.2018.pdf 

Below, please find instructions for each step of using SIMAP: 

  1. Log-in: How to access and log in to SIMAP 
  2. Account set-up: Entering your institution information 
  3. Data entryOptional data entry by source 
  4. Results: Review and compare your results 
  5. ResourcesSources you can use for more information 

1. Login 

Please register for an account at the following:

2. Account setup 

First, you will need to set up your account and describe your institution. The steps are: 

  • Start with the "1. Account" tab, which can be found in the top left of the screen. Click the "Institution" link on the left panel and enter information about your institution. Note that anything marked with * (an asterisk) is mandatory. 
  • Enter any other relevant information on the "1. Account tab" under the following links found on the left panel: Goals, Programs/Initiatives, Budgets, Physical Spaces, and Populations. Note that these other sections are not mandatory to calculate your footprint. However, data sets describing institution characteristics will be necessary to view normalizations on the results tab, such as the population and gross physical area. 
  • The "Notebook" link is a space where you can record notes about your data entry, next steps, or anything else you would like to record about your data entry. 

3. Data entry 

All institution data entry takes place under the "2. Data entry" tab. The data entry categories are organized by scope in the left panel. Each link will take you to a page with two sections: A green button that says "Enter Data" and a summary of the data already entered. To enter a data point, please do the following: 

  • Click the appropriate link in the left panel in the "Data entry" section 
  • Click the green "Enter data" button 
  • Fill out the data entry form. Note that anything marked * is mandatory 
  • Click the green "Add data" button to add that data point to your inventory
  • Continue this process until you have entered all data points for a given source 

An alternative option is importing your previous Campus Carbon Calculator spreadsheet. This link can be found in a tab across the top of the screen or in the left panel of the "Data entry" tab. 

4. Results 

The results dashboard gives you the following options for viewing your data: 

  • Footprints: Select the carbon and/or nitrogen boxes to indicate which graph(s) you would like to view. 
  • Report type: Your institution's footprint results can be shown as the total footprint, by scope, by category, by source, or by gas/pollutant. 
  • Graph type: You can view a line or bar graph. 
  • Normalization: The options selected above can then be normalized by a variety of metrics. Note that you will have needed to enter your institution's relevant information under the "1. Account" tab to use normalizations. 
  • Year range: Make sure the selected year range matches up with the data sets you entered. 

After selecting the above options, click "Calculate" to view your results. You will then see a carbon and/or nitrogen graph. The detailed results will be presented in tables below the graphs, organized by the report type you selected. 

5. Resources 

The integrated SIMAP user's manual is available in DRAFT - see link above. You can find those manuals at the following links: 

Our team is also available to answer any questions you have.  You can contact us at