Tier 2 functionality

Upgrade to a Tier 2 subscription on the my account page by clicking the green 'upgrade' button.

There are three new features that are included in Tier 2 accounts: 

  1. Secondary campus. This is the ability to add one (or more) additional campuses to your account. This is the focus of the multi-campus functionality.
  2. Tags. This feature allows you to group data points with a ‘tag.’ Some of these tags are built in (e.g., physical space types, population types), and you can also add custom tags on the ‘account’ tab. You can then filter the results view using these tags. For example, you can add a custom tag for a specific building and ‘tag’ all data points relevant to that building.
  3. Bulk operations. This feature makes it easier to delete or apply a tag to multiple data points at once. You will see that there are check boxes next to each data point on the data entry pages. Check these boxes to delete or apply tags in bulk. 

Campus comparison report.png

The new features will be visible across the entire SIMAP interface. Here are some key ways to use the new functionality:

Account tab:
1. Add a secondary campus
2. Add custom tags

Data entry tab:
1. Enter different data sets for different campuses
2. Apply custom tags to data entry
3. Bulk operations (e.g., applying tags, bulk deletions)

Data mgmt tab:
1. Confirm eGrid region corresponds to zip code entered on account tab
2. Import data for at least one of your campuses (note: we can provide practice data sets spreadsheet)

1. View results by campus
2. View results filtered by tag
3. View total footprint results for all campuses

1. View the new report for comparing your footprint results across your campuses



The Tier 2 subscription price is $750/year. A Tier 2 account can be purchased on the my account page by clicking the green 'upgrade' button. If you already have a Tier 1 account and would like to upgrade to Tier 2 right away, then please purchase the 'Upgrade from Tier 1 to Tier 2' in the online store. 


Please note that a future version of the Tier 2 accounts may include additional features, such as benchmarking and projections & solutions. We will announce these new features when they will be available.