11. Use of sold products

Select one of the buttons below to enter your scope 3 category 11 data. There is one option: Purchasing data (dollars or MT eCO2).

Purchasing Data (USD)

Category 11.png

What is included in the use of sold products category?

The use of sold products category includes the emissions from the use of goods and services sold by the reporting organization in the reporting year. This category includes the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions of end users. End users include both consumers and business customers that use final products. This category should include all direct use-phase emissions, and it can optionally include any indirect use-phase emissions. An example of this category is the emissions that occur during the use of a vehicle by an end user that was sold by the reporting organization. This category can be broad and it is important as always to clearly document sources and system bounds. Emissions from this category often occur after the reporting year. Use of sold products is category 11 of scope 3.

What options are available in SIMAP for use of sold products data entry?

SIMAP will add more data entry options for the use of sold products category in the future.


Source: GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard