Scope 3: Data Entry Mapping

We know there are a lot of changes to the layout of the scope 3 section on the Data Entry tab, but do not worry - all your data and the categories you are familiar with are still there! We have reorganized the scope 3 section of the Data Entry tab to align with the 15 GHG Protocol categories. Each scope 3 page (e.g., 1. Purchased goods and services) then has buttons for the data entry options for that scope 3 category. Some categories have multiple data entry options, and some just have a single option. As we continue to devleop out scope 3 functionality, we will add more data entry options in the future.

This table maps the 15 scope 3 categories with the data entry options for each.

Scope 3 category Data entry options Data entry units New to SIMAP? Required for Second Nature signatories?
1. Purchased goods and services Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
Food data (weight) Weight No Optional
Paper data (weight) Weight No Optional
2. Capital goods Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
T&D losses (built in)* n/a No Optional
Scope 1 stationary FERA emissions (built in)* n/a Yes Optional
4. Upstream transportation and distribution Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
5. Waste generated in operations Waste & wastewater Volume and weight No Optional
Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
6. Business travel Business travel & study abroad Distance No Yes - air travel paid for by the institution
Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
7. Employee commuting Commuting Distance No Yes - faculty, staff, and student commuting
Student travel to/from home Distance No Optional
Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
8. Upstream leased assets Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
9. Downstream transportation and distribution Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
10. Processing of sold products Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
11. Use of sold products Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
13. Downstream leased assets Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
14. Franchises Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional
15. Investments Purchasing data US Dollars Yes Optional

*Some FERA emissions are calculated based on data entry in scope 1 and scope 2. The options currently built into SIMAP are FERA emissions associated with most scope 1 stationary sources and T&D losses associated with purchased electricity. In both of these cases, you will not enter any data specifically into the FERA category -- the emissions will calculate from your scope 1 and scope 2 activity data.

Diagram of operational bounds for greenhouse gas inventories

GHG Protocol_Scopes_0.png

Source: GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard